
I'm serious about fun, and this page is dedicated to a small collection of my favorite hobbies and personal projects.
Image of three phones with Instagram posts of different baking projects like making raspberry jam and blueberry crumble.
As an amateur baker, it's my dream to receive a Hollywood Handshake, but you're more likely to find me snapping photos of my recipes (like a true millennial), or watching GBBO episodes.
Stack of mini zines showing the cover which is called meet anxiety.A mini zine unfolded showing the back page, which is a coloring page for those with anxiety to do when feeling nervous. Has some positive phrases and activities to do.A white folded sweatshirt that says always anxious club with a little ball of stress doodle looking nervously out of a pocket.
Always Anxious Club is a mini zine I made to discuss my anxiety openly, with the hope that sharing will make others feel less alone in navigating life with anxiety.
Moving gif or an upside down heart looking through binoculars with the words look for the good.A moving gif of an upside down heart tapping boxing gloves together with the words stand up to self-doubt.Moving gif of upside down heart writing on paper with the words give yourself permission.
Meet Harold, the muse of my first 100-day project. Using Procreate, I illustrated a series of self-love gifs, pushing myself to create daily for 100 days.
Image of a postcard with the number one and a partridge in a pear tree.Rolls of wrapping paper with a pattern of Christmas cookies in bright hues.Image of four colorful gift tags with phrases like "tis the season", "holly jolly" and more.Phone screen with a gif of a Christmas tree graphic loading with the words holiday cheer loading.
Like Buddy the Elf, I love to spread Christmas cheer. I'd feel like a cottonheaded ninnymuggins if I didn't share some of my favorite festive designs.